In the media

Stuck in lockdown, Rajasthan’s pastoral nomads worry for animals. Newsclick, May 5, 2020

There is no camel community for Australia’s camels. Down to Earth, January, 2020.

Indefatigable Camel Crusader in Marwar Magazine , August 5, 2019

To save India’s Camel Culture, a new dairy is selling milk and cream cheese.  Atlas Obscura, May 20, 2019

Our lady of the camels. Rolex Awards for Enterprise

The first list of speakers for ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival. India, November 29th, 2017

Need new ideas to boost Rajasthan’s camel population: Researcher The Times of India, July 7th, 2017.

Raising a glass to camel milk. Livemint, April 7th, 2017.

How a German vet’s love for camels is saving a unique community in Rajasthan. The better India, December 16th, 2016.

Can Camel Milk Save India’s Nomadic Raikas. National Geographic, October 26th, 2016.

Camel Crusader. Biblio March-April, 2015.

Lessons from the Camel Culture of Rajasthan. Foodtank. September, 27th, 2015

Unburdening the beast.A chronicle of a German veterinarian’s efforts to save the camel in Rajasthan. Indian Express. January 10th, 2015.

Our lady of the camels. Hindustan Times, New-Delhi. March 28th, 2015.

On cuddling a camel. Mumbai Mirror. November, 27th, 2014.

Article and video by Agence France-Presses about the decline of camels at the Pushkar Fair in Rajasthan.

Article by Oneco. This on-line magazine with news from the organic community featured an article written by Anne Welsing.

Interview with Worldwatch Institute. While participating in the IADG livestock donors meeting in Washington DC, I was interviewed by the Worldwatch Institute about the future of livestock keeping.

Unique Indo-German endeavour to save Rajasthan’s camels. A write-up of our project on the website of the German Embassy in New-Delhi.

Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan – Welfare Organisation for Livestock Keepers. A short movie by the What took You So Long Foundation that introduces our work in Rajasthan.

Return of the Nomad. On BBC World with Susie Emmett about the future of the Raika.

India with Sanjeev Bhaskar. A Camel named Sanjeev. BBC 2 documentary.

Championing the animals the world forgot. Rolex Awards Magazine, 2008.

In German (auf deutsch)

Nomadische Tierhaltung sichert Biodiversität und Ernährung.

Kamele. Phänomenale Nutztiere. Dokumentarfilm bei NZZ Format

Die Nomadenforscherin. Arte TV.

Vier Hände für einen Höcker. Natur und Kosmos

Lichtblick für Shivas Hirten. Natur und Kosmos

Die Nomadin. Ilse Köhler-Rollefson erforscht das Zusammenleben von Mensch und Kamel. Die Zeit 46/2002

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